Public Comment Periods
During regular Commission meetings, there are numerous set times for the public to participate and share their comments, concerns, and questions.
- Item no. 5 – Open Forum for Citizen Input: during this time, the public is invited to discuss or share their comments, concerns, questions, etc. for any topic not on the action agenda.
- Item no. 8 – Approval of Action Agenda: during this time, the public may remove or ask questions about an item on the action agenda.
- Item no. 10 – Public Hearings: during this time, the public is encouraged to ask questions and/or share testimony for the listed Public Hearing.
How to Testify
- Be Brief – you have up to three (3) minutes to give your comment or testimony. Please do your best to organize your thoughts beforehand and focus on your most important points. If your testimony is longer than three (3) minutes, concentrate on the highlights and provide a copy of the fully written testimony to the Clerk of the Board.
- Be Unique – share how the issue affects you, your family, your business, or your neighborhood. The more personal, the better.
- Be Respectful – remember that other can and will disagree with your perspective. There is zero tolerance for personal attacks on the Commissioners, presenters, or other speakers.
- Provide Copies – if you have written testimony, please bring or email copies to share with the Commissioners, County Administrator, and news media, to the Clerk of the Board.
- Focus – again, you have only up to three (3) minutes to speak. The subject may relate to other issues, but the Commissioners will want to hear about the issue before them right now.
- Relax – not everyone is used to public speaking and that is okay! Try to relax and be natural. The Commissioners, County Administrator, and staff genuinely want to hear what you have to say.
Please send comments, questions, testimonies, etc. to McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board, at [email protected].