About the Project

Where is the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA)?

The UGA is roughly four square miles in northern Mason County. While the UGA’s population is small, the area is a commercial hub for a much larger population living in nearby communities.

Why is the County updating Belfair’s Subarea Plan?

The County recently received a grant to develop a sewer system and a new freight corridor, or “bypass,” is pending. We expect these investments to contribute to rapid growth in Belfair. In addition to updating the 2004 Belfair UGA Plan to meet the needs of the community now in 2022 and the next 20 years, the County developed a Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement and ordinance for the Belfair UGA to facilitate growth reflective of a community-supported vision.

What is an Urban Growth Area (UGA)?

Planning for UGAs is an important tool provided by the Growth Management Act (GMA) for deciding where future urban growth should be encouraged, where the extent of that growth should be located, and how the financial and environmental responsibilities that come with growth, will be met. UGAs are areas where growth and higher densities are expected and that can be supported by urban services. By directing growth into urban areas, counties and cities can also protect critical areas, conserve their natural resource lands—such as farms and forests—and maintain the rural character of their rural lands.

February 2022 Subarea Plan and Planned Action Ordinance Adoption

On February 15, the Mason County Board of County Commissioners adopted an amended Subarea Plan and Planned Action Ordinance for the Belfair UGA, based on the analysis in the Planned Action EIS and public comment and testimony received during the planning process. The adopted updates include the following:

Public Hearings and Meetings

Board of County Commissioner Hearing
February 15, 2022, 9:15 AM
Meeting Agenda and Packet will be on County Homepage

January Fact Sheet/Mailer

Planning Advisory Commission December 2021 Hearing Material

PowerPoint Presentation 02-15-2022

February 2022 Final EIS

In 2021, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and a Supplemental Draft EIS (SDEIS) were prepared and issued to consider a range of growth alternatives, and associated impacts and mitigation measures. The alternatives included the current plan/zoning as Alternative 1 No Action, Alternatives 2 and 3 reviewing different land use and growth assumptions, and Alternative 3 hybrid that combines elements of the action alternatives. A FEIS has been prepared to respond to comments on the original DEIS and SDEIS. The FEIS was issued on February 3, 2022. Please see the link below.

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Final EIS Addendum 2-24-2022

A printed copy may be reviewed at Mason County Community Services offices by appointment (see Contact below). A printed copy may be requested at cost. A printed copy is also available for review at the North Mason Timberland Library; see https://www.trl.org/locations/north-mason for hours and requirements to meet COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

For questions, please contact:

Kell Rowen, Community Development Administrator
Mason County Community Services
360.427.9670 ext. 286
[email protected]

October 2021 Supplemental Draft EIS

Mason County published the Mason County Belfair UGA Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on April 29, 2021, and took comments until June 7, 2021. As a result of comments received from public agencies, interested tribes, and local citizens, Mason County determined that targeted additional SEPA analysis of the alternatives would be beneficial and would provide the public and decision makers with more complete information about the potential impacts of the Proposal. The Supplemental Draft EIS (SDEIS) reviews an Alternative 3 Hybrid, combining elements of Alternatives 2 and 3 of the Draft EIS. The SDEIS provides targeted analysis and clarifications regarding water resources, cultural resources, transportation, and utilities. The SDEIS also outlines mitigation measures that would apply to future planned action development.

The Supplemental Draft EIS provides for a public comment period. After the SDEIS comment period, a Final EIS will be prepared to respond to comments on the original Draft EIS and the Supplemental Draft EIS.

The SDEIS document is available for download here

A printed copy may be reviewed at Mason County Community Services offices by appointment (see Contact below). A printed copy may be requested at cost (see Contact below). A printed copy is also available for review at the North Mason Timberland Library; see https://www.trl.org/locations/north-mason for hours and requirements to meet COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the SDEIS. The method and deadline for giving us your comments is:
Comment Period: Provide your written comments by 5 pm, November 29, 2021.
Send to Contact: Kell Rowen, Community Development Administrator
Mason County Community Services
615 W Alder Street
Shelton WA 98584
(360) 427-9670 ext. 286
[email protected]

Review the Draft EIS, Draft Planned Action, and Draft Subarea Plan

The Draft EIS reviews a range of alternatives for the future of Belfair’s UGA. The “No Action” alternative reflects current growth targets, Alternative 2 is similar to the existing development capacity in the UGA, and Alternative 3 reflects a higher growth scenario that would add residential, mixed use, and industrial park development to the UGA. The DEIS evaluates the alternatives with the following environmental topics: natural environment (earth, water resources, plants and animals), land use, cultural resources, aesthetics, public services (police, fire, parks, schools), and utilities (water, wastewater, stormwater, power). The DEIS outlines mitigation measures that would apply to future planned action development.

April 2021 Draft EIS, Draft Planned Action, and Draft Subarea Plan

The Draft EIS reviews a range of alternatives for the future of Belfair’s UGA. The “No Action” alternative reflects current growth targets, Alternative 2 is similar to the existing development capacity in the UGA, and Alternative 3 reflects a higher growth scenario that would add residential, mixed use, and industrial park development to the UGA. The DEIS evaluates the alternatives with the following environmental topics: natural environment (earth, water resources, plants and animals), land use, cultural resources, aesthetics, public services (police, fire, parks, schools), and utilities (water, wastewater, stormwater, power). The DEIS outlines mitigation measures that would apply to future planned action development.

Learn More

This County website will serve as a resource for basic information about the project, including project timeline, ongoing public notices, and future document publication.


  • Scoping Period: November 12 – December 3, 2020
  • Draft Subarea Plan and Draft EIS: April 2021
  • Draft Supplemental EIS: October 2021
  • Final Subarea Plan and Final EIS: Fall 2021/Winter 2022

Vicinity Map

Belfair EIS Vicinity Map