Mission Statement: Provide community supervision, as well as, evidence-based programs and effective services to moderate/high risk misdemeanor offenders. The focus is on public safety through efforts to hold offenders accountable and reduce the likelihood of re-offense.

What is Supervised Active Probation?

The District Court Division of Probation Services focuses on:

  • Community supervision of misdemeanor adult offenders,
  • Program development aimed at reducing the overcrowding of the jail and costs associated with overcrowding, and
  • Increasing community safety.

This division is responsible to provide a number of essential services involved in maintaining the safety of the public and reducing recidivism. Supervised Active Probation means the District Court probation officers have monthly contact with offender to make sure they comply with the court’s conditions at sentencing. Conditions might include drug or alcohol treatment, domestic violence treatment, no further criminal offenses, and regular reporting to probation. Any offender who fails to comply with treatment or has a subsequent criminal offense is summoned back to court to “show cause” why the suspended portion of his/her sentence should not be imposed.

Probation Fees are imposed at time of sentence and are due the 15th of each month payable at the Mason County District Court office. Criminal Charges May Include…

  • Deferred Prosecution
  • Assault 4th DV
  • Assault 4 w/ Sexual Motivation
  • Assaults Against Children
  • Malicious Mischief (DV)
  • DUI
  • Physical Control
  • Harassment
  • Violation of a No Contact Order
  • Stalking
  • Any Case Assigned by the Judge

Intake/Orientation Appointment

The intake appointment is the offender’s first contact with the probation officer. A personal data form will be filled out prior to your appointment.

At the time of the offender’s intake appointment, the probation officer will review the conditions of probation and will have the offender sign their court order verifying they understand what is required of them. The probation officer will provide a list of resources in order to assist you in complying with your court order and ask you to sign a Release of Confidential Information form.

Intake appointments are held on Fridays at 9:45a.m. You must have a scheduled intake appointment.

Appointment Information

  • BE PROMPT. If you are late, you may not be seen.
  • DO NOT USE ALCOHOL OR OTHER SUBSTANCES prior to appointment. You may be asked to submit to a breathalyzer test or urinalysis.
  • IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR, your case may be returned to court for further action by the judge.
  • IF YOU NEED TO RESCHEDULE call Probation immediately at (360) 427-9670 ext. 441.

Monthly Compliance Group

The monthly Compliance Group is an opportunity to educate and motivate participants while focusing on compliance with court orders. The defendant meets with a Probation Officer on a monthly basis to provide proof of compliance.

Veteran’s compliance group is also offered as an alternative for military veterans.

If the defendant is not in full compliance with the court order, a non-compliance report is filed by the Probation Officer. The matter is then scheduled for hearing in District Court.


Defendant may be required to provide a urinalysis at the request of Probation or the Court. The Defendant is responsible for paying Urinalysis costs.
Urinalysis costs: Negative UA tests $ 10.00 / Positive UA tests $ 50.00.

Evidence based programs DV MRT and MRT designed to reduce recidivism are also provided by Probation staff.