Child Protective Services Early Family Support Services (EFSS) and the Early Intervention Program (EIP) provide services for low to moderately at-risk families, screened by Child Protective Services (CPS), who need some education, support, and monitoring to prevent child abuse and neglect. The Public Health Nurse serves as case manager; going into homes to provide assessment, identification of health risk factors, health and parenting education, developmental testing and community referrals and linkages. Both the EFSS and EIP programs provide services to families in the least intrusive manner to improve family stability, prevent future referrals to CPS for neglect and abuse, and improve the safety of children. All referrals are received through CPS.
If you have a concern about a child’s safety, please contact the Child Protective Services Hotline - 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276), Washington State's toll-free, 24/7 hotline that will connect you directly to the appropriate local office to report suspected child abuse or neglect. |