County Commissioner - District 1
Commissioner Randy Neatherlin

Commissioners’ Office:
411 North 5th Street
Shelton, WA 98584
Telephone: (360) 427-9670 Ext. 419
Belfair: (360) 275-4467
Term expires 2028
Elective Office: Mason County Commissioner 2013 - 2028
Commissioner Neatherlin represents Mason County by serving on a variety of boards, councils, and commissions as noted below:
- Board of County Commissioners, Chair
- North Mason Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
- Mason County Audit Committee (Established by Resolution 77-16)
- Mason County Law Enforcement Officers/Fire Fighters (LEOFF) Board (meet 1st Tuesday, 8 a.m. in Commission Chambers)
- Mason County Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) (meets when necessary) RCW 29A.46.260(2)
- Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) – Member (Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10 - 12 noon approx.) Address: 2940B Limited Lane NW Olympia 586-1044)
- Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (PRTPO)
- Shelton Memorial Park Board of Directors – (Cemetery) (meet as necessary)
- Washington Counties Risk Pool – Board of Directors Member
- West Sound Alliance Steering Committee – Pamela Browning is contact, 360-377-4900
Civic Activities
- Commissioner for the Port of Allyn
- Commissioner, Chairman of the Mason County Planning Commission
- Board of Directors Mason County Economic Development
- Chairman of the Board for Mary E. Theler Community Center
- Founding Member and Chairman of the Board for NMCV
- Vice Chair of Habitat for Humanity Mason County
- Vice Chair and original founding board member of the Cancer Crusaders
- Vice Chairman of the Board for the North Mason Pee Wee's
- Vice President of North Mason Kiwanis
- Member of the Board of Directors for the Pacific Northwest Salmon Center
- Mason County TIP-CAP Committee (Mason County Commissioner's Advisory Committee)
- Washington Public Ports Associations Legislative and Marina committees.
- Member of National Federal of Independent Business, Association of Washington Business, North Mason Chamber of Commerce, National, State and local Realtor Associations, and the Washington State Farm Bureau.
- Randy is or has been a member of the Eagles, Masons, Scottish Rite, Shriners, and has served as both a Kiwanis Clown and Shrine Clown.
- Owner of shake and shingle mill
- Realtor/Broker at John L. Scott in Belfair
- Owner/Operator small cable TV advertising and marketing company
- Attended North Mason High School
- Olympic College, Associates in Arts & Sciences
- Attended South Seattle Community College
- Attended Evergreen State College
- Bachelor's Degree in Business Management
- Master's Degree in Management and Leadership
- Randy has lived in Belfair most of his life. He is married to Pam, has four children and three grandchildren.